Hotel Butler 201: In Classroom, two-week program
This course is only accessible for those enrolled by their employer.
What is this all about?
1. Introduction Module 1
2. What are Self-Reflection Exercises?
3. Self-Reflection #1 Luxury in our Own Life
4. What is Luxury?
5. Self-Reflection #2 Luxury in our Own Life (continued)
6. How to take a video on your phone
7. Assignment #1: Student Self-introductions
8. Assignment #2: Demonstrating Butlering Skills
9. Assignment #3 Explaining Hotel Features
10. MGM M1 - test
1. Introduction Module 2
2. Guest Preparation & Research
3. Assignment #4: Pre-arrival guest information
4. Personalizing the Guest Experience
5. Assignment #5: Personalizing the Guest Experience
6. Self-Reflection #3: When Something Goes Wrong
7. Allowing the Guest to Feel in Control
8. Assignment #6: Speaking with Guests
9. Importance of a Handwritten Note
10. Assignment #7: Writing Guest Notes
11. Module Two (2) Test
1. Introduction Module 3
2. How to Take Cornell Notes
3. Cornell Note Template
4. Electronic Communication
5. Listening Skills
6. Listening Exercise with Partner
7. Listening Exercise with Partner BUTLER "1" only
8. Listening Exercise with Partner BUTLER "2" only
9. Gathering Information
10 A. Critical Thinking
10 B. Critical Thinking Exercise
11. Validation and Playback
12. Diplomacy and Troubleshooting
13. Assignment #9 Diplomacy & Troubleshooting Exercise
14. Module Three (3) Test
1. Introduction Module 4
2. When Things Don't Go as Planned (part 1 of 2)
3. When Things Don't Go as Planned (part 2 of 2)
4. Assignment #10 - Using the 7 W's
6. Managing Emotionally Charged Situations
7. Assignment #11 LEAPS in your life as a butler
8. Using What / How Questions
9. Assignment #12 Using What / How Questions
10. Team Communication
11. Assignment #13 Team Communication
12. Module Four (4) Test
1. Introduction Module 5
2. Managing Simple, Complicated & Complex Requests
3. Simple, Complicated & Complex Quiz
4. Assignment #14
5. The Eisenhower Matrix
6. Assignment #15 Practice the Eisenhower Matrix
7. Assignment #16 Preparing for Guest Arrival
8. Module 5 Test